Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Don't weigh - you can still be active

 Very large people face special challenges in trying to be active. You may not be able to move or bend in the same way that other people can. It may be hard finding clothes and equipment for exercising. You may feel self-conscious being physically active around other people. Facing these challenges is hard--but it can be done!
Find out how by pressing here

What's wrong with Dr Phil's weight loss plan

What's wrong with Dr Phil's weight loss plan

I really like Dr. Phil, so I wanted to like his new book on weight loss. And I do like some of it, however, there's a big problem with the chapter on what to eat. Dr. Phil proposes exactly the same eating plan for everyone. This will NOT work! according to Dale Reynolds.

Read what he has to say here

I want to lose 20 pounds fast

Back "in the day", when I used to do coaching programs full time
at my New Jersey Health Club, the first thing I would always ask
my client during the initial consultation was:

"Tell me what you want... and I'll show you how to get it."

Typical reply from client:

"I want to lose 20 pounds fast."

My reply:

"Are you SURE that's what you want? ...If I can show you how to
lose 20 pounds REALLY fast, will that make you happy?"

They nodded their head affirmatively as their eyes lit up in
anticipation of the secrets I was about to reveal...

Read the rest here