Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sources Of Protein in Vegetarian Food

In order to absorb a healthy amount of protein from vegetarian food, vegetarians must consume a variety of plant proteins to form complete amino chains. By eating vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and whole grains, vegetarians can increase the amount of complete proteins they create by combining a number of varieties of amino acid chains.

Vegetarian Articles

Vegetarian Articles

Many nonvegetarians wonder what drives vegetarians to give up meat and adopt an entirely different lifestyle. There is no single answer to this question. Nonvegetarians become vegetarians for a number of different reasons - some even for multiple reasons.

There are a number of health risks associated with a vegetarian diet that need people who wish to embark on a vegetarian lifestyle need to be aware of. On the other hand there are also certain health advantages to a vegetarian diet.

Anybody wishing to embark on a vegetarian lifestyle will soon find out that finding suitable recipes can pose somewhat of a challenge. Not many recipe book authors have thought to cater for vegetarians.

To assist you in your search for information, we have split our vegetarian articles into the following categories:

Articles on Vegetarian Information

Articles on Vegetarian Nutrition

Articles on Vegetarian Cooking

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The Difference Between Vegetarian & Vegan

The word "vegetarian" is a generic blanket term used to describe anybody who does not eat meat, poultry, fish, or seafood. This encompasses vegans and also the various vegetarian sub-groups. Vegetarians are generally those people who have chosen a diet with far less restrictions than those chosen by a vegan.

The differences between the various vegetarian sub-groups may appear to be small, but they are very important to the members who belong to each groups. In many cases the distinctions are important dietary or ethical decisions taken by the individual.

Here are the various vegetarian sub-groups: